Tim Schatto-Eckrodt participates in COGITATIO webinar
Tim Schatto-Eckrodt participated in a COGITATIO webinar that analysed the main findings of “Computational Approaches to Media Entertainment Research”, an issue published in the journal Media and Communication last year (Vol 8, No. 3 (2020)). Having contributed to the issue himself with the paper “A Computational Approach to Analyzing the Twitter Debate on Gaming Disorder” together with Robin Janzik, Felix Reer, Svena Boberg, and Thorsten Quandt (all University of Münster), Tim Schatto-Eckrodt was part of the event’s speakers list.
Other speakers included the issue’s editor, Johannes Breuer (GESIS—Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Germany), as well as Julian Unkel (LMU Munich, Germany), Frederic René Hopp (University of California Santa Barbara, USA), and Anna Sophie Kümpel (TU Dresden, Germany), all of whom participated to the issue as authors.
Cogitatio is a publisher based in Lisbon, Portugal, with the aim of promoting open access divulgation of scientific knowledge. Founded in 2014 by Mr. António Vieira, Cogitatio hosts four online open access peer-reviewed journals: Media and Communication (ISSN: 2183-2439), Politics and Governance (ISSN: 2183-2463), Social Inclusion (ISSN: 2183-2803), and Urban Planning (ISSN: 2183-7635).