DemoRESILdigital at the DGPS

DemoRESILdigital at the DGPS

Between September 15th and 20th the German Association for Psychology (DGPS) met at the Goethe-University in Frankfurt (a.M.) to discuss state-of-the-art research in psychology. Since 2016, the DGPS hosts so-called hot-topic sessions, Keynotes and symposia in which pressing topics and current questions of the field are discussed. This year, DemoRESILdigital team member Lena Frischlich presented in two of these hot-topics tackling the core questions of the research group: Fake news and Populism and Radicalization. In the invited fake news symposium, she presented a study together with Felix Brinkschulte and Martin Becker addressing the experimental effects of distorted articles published in the right-wing alternative media. In the self-organized symposium on societal, social, and individual influences on radicalization, she presented data collected with the PropStop Team (Svenja Boberg, Tim Schatto-Eckrodt, Florian Winterrlin, & Thorsten Quandt) showing how distorted information, political emotions and societal trust interactively influence voting intentions.

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